From: (Stephen Vermeulen)
Message-Id: <>
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Let's go Virtual!
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>   Please help me!
>   I have created a VirtualGroup and have Text and Space objects in it. And when I change the
> contence of the group the scrollbars aren't updated. I also noticed that if I resize the
> window the scrollers get updated. So, what can I do to tell the VirtualGroup to update
> it's size and scrollbars??
> I can find only customclass related redraw commands from the autodocs...
> This is a huge problem, ofcourse what do I need a VirtualGroup for if I can't scroll it!?
>  - Jarkko "WhyJ" Ylipaavalniemi -

I have found two ways of working around this, although I would classify
at least one as a "hack".

Use the official way: the MUIM_Group_InitChange function:

        MUIM_Group_InitChange (V11)


        Prepares a group for dynamic adding/removing of objects.
        MUI 3 offers the possibility to dynamically add/remove
        children from groups, even when the window that contains
        these objects is currently open. To be able to do this,
        you must first put the group into a special "exchange"
        state by using this method. Then, you can add/remove
        children at will. If you're done, use MUIM_Group_ExitChange
        to make MUI recalculate the display.

        returns NULL on failure.

        /* remove two children, add another one */

        if (DoMethod(group,MUIM_Group_InitChange))
           /* since we just want the group to refresh it's
              idea of how big it is we don't need these lines...



The other way of doing this works with older versions of MUI,
just do a "hide/show" on the virtual group object after you have
changed its contents.

There is probably a third way of doing this by using the new
custom layout hooks within the group class.

Regards, Stephen